Cybersecurity and Digital Well-being

Cybersecurity and Digital Well-being

A group session for class 9 students on “Cybersecurity and Digital Well-being” was conducted on 29 November 2024, Friday in MP Hall.

Mr S.Shiva Kumar,a veteran submariner and a seasoned security professional working with the Cybersecurity cell of Cyberabad Police, served as the resource person for the session and shared his expertise on the subject.

The following aspects of Digital well-being were discussed during the session:

1.Digital footprints

2.Online gaming

3.Positive impact of internet 

4.Smartphone Addiction 


6.Reporting a Cybercrime

The resource person shared several Digital etiquettes for digital well-being using real life scenarios. 

The session was very interactive and students expressed their concerns and experiences related to digital media usage.

Overall impact of the session was positive and fruitful as it very well met the aim of creating awareness among students about cyber threats and sensitize them about digital citizenship.

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